Section 71 Appendix: previous work

Here are some things I’ve already written as steps on the road to understanding causal mapping. If you’ve read any of these, you might be interested in how “theories” relate to “causal maps”.

71.1 From “Theorymaker” to “Causal Mapping” and from “Theories of Change” to “Causal Maps”

Previously I was mostly interested in “Theories of Change” from the planning approach of “how should we draw a diagram for this organisation’s theory of change”. The semi-formal logic and associated app is called “Theorymaker”. That question overlaps with the question which most interests me now: “how should we encode this causal statement”, and I believe the first is anyway just a special case of the second. So I’ve previously written about “Theories” as models of causal reality, now I’m referring to them as “Causal Maps” – it comes to pretty much the same thing.

71.2 Articles