Section 46 Interventions and differences
You can specify “base” and “intervention” values for (some of the) exogenous variables, in which case the app can calculate the “effect” of an intervention on a downstream variable, defined as the “difference” between the predicted value under intervention and the predicted base value, i.e. the value without intervention.
46.1 Shortcuts
Type (.9--.3)
after a variable name to designate a variable as intervention=.9; base=.3
Type (--.3)
to designate a variable as base=.3.
So this:
Variable 1 (1--0)
Variable 2 ( --0)
..… means that we intervene to set Variable 1 to 100% rather than 0%, and that variable 2 just has a base level of 0, we don’t intervene on it.