Appendix: Publications and links
Causal Map is quite new, but we’re working hard publishing our ideas. Here is some relevant prior work.
Powell, S. (2019). Supplement to Theories of Change: Making Value Explicit. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 15(32), 53–54.
Bibliography of selected causal mapping approaches
We also have a more complete Zotero library on causal mapping. Here are some of the key papers.
Ackermann, F., & Eden, C. (2004). Using Causal mapping: individual and group; traditional and new. Systems Modelling: Theory and Practice, 127–145.
Ackermann, F., Howick, S., Quigley, J., Walls, L., & Houghton, T. (2014). Systemic risk elicitation: Using causal maps to engage stakeholders and build a comprehensive view of risks. European Journal of Operational Research, 238(1), 290–299.
Axelrod, R. (1976). The Cognitive Mapping Approach to Decision Making. In Structure of Decision : The Cognitive Maps of Political Elites (Issue May 2019).
Axelrod, R. (1976). The Analysis of Cognitive Maps. In Structure of Decision : The Cognitive Maps of Political Elites (Issue May 2019).
Axelrod, R. (1976). The cognitive mapping approach to decision making. Structure of Decision, 221–250.
Chaib-Draa, B., & Desharnais, J. (1998). A relational model of cognitive maps. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 49(2), 181–200.
Copestake, J., Morsink, M., & Remnant, F. (2019). Attributing Development Impact: the Qualitative Impact Protocol case book. March 21, Online.
Goodier, C., Austin, S., Soetanto, R., & Dainty, A. (2010). Causal mapping and scenario building with multiple organisations. Futures, 42(3), 219–229.
Jackson, K. M., & Trochim, W. M. K. (2002). Concept Mapping as an Alternative Approach for the Analysis of Open-Ended Survey Responses. Organizational Research Methods, 5(4), 307–336.
Krentel, A., & Aunger, R. (2012). Causal chain mapping: A novel method to analyse treatment compliance decisions relating to lymphatic filariasis elimination in Alor, Indonesia. Health Policy and Planning, 27(5), 384–395.
Laukkanen, M. (1994). Comparative Cause Mapping of Organizational Cognitions. Organization Science, 5(3), 322–343.
Laukkanen, M. (2012). Comparative Causal Mapping and CMAP3 Software in Qualitative Studies | Laukkanen | Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research. Qualitative Research, 13(2), volume 13.
Laukkanen, M., & Eriksson, P. (2013). New designs and software for cognitive causal mapping. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, 8(2), 122–147.
Mapping, P. S., & Incentive, R. H. (2020). Participatory Systems Mapping in action —Supporting the evaluation of the Renewable Heat Incentive. 17.
Maps, T. C., & Elites, P. (1918). Chapter Title : Decision for Neoimperialism : The Deliberations of the British Eastern Committee in 1918 Chapter Author ( s ): Robert Axelrod Book Title : Structure of Decision : The Cognitive Maps of Political Elites Book Editor ( s ): Robert Axelrod Pub.
Markiczy, L., & Goldberg, J. (1995). A method for eliciting and comparing causal maps. Journal of Management, 21(2), 305–333.
Nadkarni, S., & Shenoy, P. P. (2004). Nadkarni and Shenoy 2004 -A causal mapping approach.pdf. 38(2).
Nadkarni, S., & Shenoy, P. P. (2001). Bayesian network approach to making inferences in causal maps. European Journal of Operational Research, 128(3), 479–498.
Penn, A., & Barbrook-Johnson, P. (2019). Participatory Systems Mapping: a practical guide. 1–4. Workshop method.pdf
Pidd, M. (n.d.). Systems Modeling. In Elements.
Srivastava, R. P., Buche, M. W., & Roberts, T. L. (2011). Belief Function Approach to Evidential Reasoning in Causal Maps. Causal Mapping for Research in Information Technology, 109–141.
Sterman, J. (2001). System dynamics modeling. California Management Review.
Wallis, S. E. (2019). The missing piece of the integrative studies puzzle. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 44(3–4), 402–429.
Wallis, S. E. (2020). Understanding and improving the usefulness of conceptual systems: An Integrative Propositional Analysis-based perspective on levels of structure and emergence. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, February, 1–22.
Wallis, S. E., & Wright, B. (2019). Integrative propositional analysis for understanding and reducing poverty. Kybernetes, 48(6), 1264–1277.